General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use

About our company



In these general terms and conditions of sale, the site will be referred to as "this site".

In the general terms and conditions of sale will be called "The Company": Direct Parking Orly.

The customer acknowledges having read our general terms and conditions of sale at the time of ordering.

These terms and conditions govern sales to private individuals on the website.

General Terms and Conditions of Sale and Use : amended on 3 September 2024

ARTICLE 1 - Scope of application

These General Terms and Conditions of Sale (the "GTCS") apply, without restriction or reservation, to all purchases of the following services:

The Company's business is the rental of car parks on private land, shuttle services and vehicle maintenance and cleaning services offered to non-business and business Customers on the website.

The Company does not accept vehicles over 3.5 tonnes, 2-wheelers or quad bikes.

The main features of the Services are presented on the website.

It is the Customer's responsibility to read these terms and conditions before placing an order. The choice and purchase of a Service is the sole responsibility of the Customer.

These GTC are accessible at all times on the website and shall prevail over any other document.

The Customer declares that he/she has read these General Terms and Conditions of Sale and has accepted them by ticking the appropriate box before placing an order on the website.

In the absence of proof to the contrary, the data recorded in the Company's computer system constitutes proof of all transactions concluded with the Client.

ARTICLE 2 - Prices

2.1 The Services are provided at the current rates shown on the Website when the order is placed by L'Company.

2.2 Prices are quoted in Euros and include VAT.

2.3 The prices take into account any discounts granted by the Company on the website. These prices are firm and non-revisable during their period of validity, but The Company reserves the right, outside the period of validity, to modify the prices at any time.

2.4 The payment requested from the Customer corresponds to the total amount of the purchase, except for incidental costs payable locally and detailed on the website (additional and/or oversized baggage, night and/or public holiday charges, number of passengers, additional shuttles, etc.).

2.5 An invoice is drawn up by The Company and given to the Client when the Services ordered on the website are provided automatically. An invoice including ancillary costs may be provided to the Client on request.

ARTICLE 3 - Orders

3.1 It is the Customer's responsibility to select the Services they wish to order on the Website, in accordance with the following procedures:
Bookings can be made online via our website or by telephone.
Customers must enter their desired arrival and departure dates, as well as flight and vehicle details. Additional options may also be added: vehicle cleaning, cancellation insurance, inventory, valet service, vehicle maintenance, luggage delivery and electric recharging.

3.2 The options offered by the Company may be available or unavailable at different times. The availability of options may vary depending on various factors such as demand, seasonality, etc. The Company cannot guarantee the continuous availability of options. The Company reserves the right to modify, suspend or withdraw the options at any time and without notice. If an option is unavailable after confirmation of the order, the Customer will be informed as soon as possible. The Customer will be offered an alternative solution, where possible, or a refund of the option.

3.3 Any user accessing the booking service must register by means of a computer entry on the website.

3.4 At the end of the booking procedure, the Customer will receive a confirmation e-mail containing the details of the booking. The Client undertakes to check that this e-mail has been received and, if not, to contact The Company by e-mail or telephone in order to receive this e-mail.

3.5 Prices are quoted in euros and include VAT. Payment is made on the day of booking by secure payment by bank card, Visa, MasterCard or bank transfer. Services are always invoiced on the basis of the rates in force at the time of booking.

3.6 The Company reserves the right to change its prices at any time, but price changes will not be applied to orders already placed and confirmed by e-mail.

3.7 The Client undertakes to check the accuracy of the contact details provided to the Company. The Company may not be held liable if it is unable to contact the Client.

3.8 The sale will only be considered valid once the price has been paid in full. It is the Customer's responsibility to check the accuracy of the order and to report any errors immediately.

3.9 Any order placed on the website constitutes the formation of a contract concluded remotely between the Client and The Company.

3.10 The Customer will be able to access his/her reservation at any time on the website or by e-mail if he/she has a customer account on the website.

3.11 These GTC may be subject to subsequent amendments. The version applicable to the purchase is the one in force on the website when the order is placed.

3.12 By placing an order and therefore fully accepting these GCS, the Client waives the right to rely on any contradictory document that may be unenforceable against The Company.

ARTICLE 4 - Terms of payment

4.1 The price is paid by secure payment, using the following methods: payment by bank card, bank transfer.

4.2 The price is payable in full by the Customer on the day the order is placed.

4.3 Payment data is exchanged in encrypted mode using the protocol defined by the approved payment service provider (Banque BNP) for banking transactions carried out on the website.

4.4 When dropping off their vehicle, the Client undertakes to pay all ancillary costs. Payments made by the Client will only be considered final once the sums due to the Company have actually been received.

4.5 The Company will not be obliged to provide the Services ordered by the Client if the Client does not pay the Company the price in full in accordance with the conditions set out above.

ARTICLE 5 - Provision of Services

The Services ordered by the Customer will be provided as follows:

5.1 When dropping off a vehicle, the Client undertakes to arrive at least 1 hour before the start of the check-in time. The Company may not be held liable if the appointment time set by the Client is not respected.

5.2 The above-mentioned vehicle must conform to the manufacturer's model with the options provided for in the manufacturer's catalogue, for a model considered to have been assembled and installed before the vehicle left the factory, as well as the other equipment, embellishments or functional fittings (including professional fittings) attached to the vehicle after it left the factory.

5.3 Keys will be left with car park staff and kept by us in a secure room.

5.4 By subscribing to one of the offers on our site, the user accepts any mechanical intervention by an employee of one of L'Entreprise's partner companies required to carry out the service ordered.

5.5 The inventory of fixtures service includes the drafting of a paper inventory of fixtures form made jointly with one of our employees when the vehicle is deposited in our car park. A photocopy will be given to the Customer.

5.6 The Customer may not dispute the condition of his/her vehicle if he/she has not subscribed to the inventory of fixtures option. The car park accepts no liability and/or claim for any scratches or impacts on the vehicle when the Customer picks it up if he/she has not subscribed to the inventory of fixtures option.

5.7 The Company undertakes to use its best efforts to provide the Services ordered by the Client, within the framework of an obligation of means.

5. 8 Upon the Customer's return, the Company may take charge of only one passenger (driver) per reservation so that the Customer can collect his or her vehicle from the car park. This allows for greater fluidity in the rotation of shuttles and therefore less waiting.

5.9 The Client undertakes to contact the Company by telephone on the number indicated in the booking email upon return so that the Company can collect the Client on arrival at the airport. The Company may not be held liable for any delay or prolonged wait if the Client does not contact the Company on the number provided.

ARTICLE 6 - Cancellation/Modification/Claims

6.1 Cancellation insurance is offered to our Customers to enable them to obtain reimbursement of the service without having to justify the reasons. However, this insurance does not apply if the service has been partially used or cancelled after the time of the service.

6.2 If the Customer does not take out insurance, no refund will be considered. If the Customer cancels the booking before it starts, a credit note will be offered in the form of a promotional code valid on the next booking within one year of the cancellation of the booking.

6.3 If the Customer collects their vehicle before the agreed date and time, they will not be entitled to any reimbursement, insofar as their reservation is firm and definitive.

6.4 Only complaints made before leaving the Company's parking area will be taken into account.

6.5 If the Customer is unable to collect the vehicle before the end of the current rental period, the Company undertakes to keep the vehicle in safe custody on its premises. Upon return, the keys and the vehicle will be returned to the Customer after payment of the late fees. An invoice will be issued at the Customer's request.

6.6 The Company, in accordance with the law of retention (article 1948 of the Civil Code), has the right not to return the vehicle in the event that the Client does not pay the amounts owed to the Company following an extension of the reservation.

ARTICLE 7 - Right of withdrawal

7.1 The Customer is not entitled to a withdrawal period. In accordance with Article L221-2 of the French Commercial Code, contracts for passenger transport services are excluded from the right of withdrawal.

7.2 The Customer has no right of withdrawal when purchasing Services and thereby entering into the Contract.

ARTICLE 8 - Responsibilities and obligations of the Company

8.1 The Company undertakes to make every effort to ensure that the website is accessible and enables the Customer to place orders online at all times without interruption.

8.2 The car park is enclosed, alarmed and under video surveillance.

8.3 Only Company employees are authorised to manoeuvre and return vehicles.

8.4 The Company reserves the right to move vehicles inside and outside the car park as part of the services subscribed to by the Client.

8.5 The Company may not be held liable for any damage or deterioration caused by meteorological events such as storms, hail, snow, sap, pollen or acts of vandalism, slow puncture(s), damage(s) caused by rodents, theft(s), mechanical or electronic breakdown(s) or any other damage linked to natural causes, as well as any damage resulting from normal use of the vehicle.

8.6 The Company may not be held liable in the event that an identified third party causes damage. It is the Client's responsibility to take the necessary steps to obtain compensation.

8.7 The Company declines all liability in the event of theft of personal effects, including during work carried out by partners appointed by the Company.

8.8 The Company declares that it has taken out insurance covering the consequences of its professional civil liability with a solvent insurance company.

8.9 The Company cannot be held responsible in the event of an incident or traffic jam during the journey from the car park to the airport, causing the Customer to miss his/her flight.

The Company's guarantee is limited to reimbursement of the Services actually paid for by the Client.

8.10 The Company may not be considered liable or in default for any delay or non-performance resulting from the occurrence of a case of force majeure as usually recognised by French case law.

8.11 The Services provided via the Website comply with the regulations in force in France.

8.12 The Company provides its Customers with a free shuttle service from the airport to the car park and back. This free service is valid for up to 4 passengers per booking. Beyond that number, the Customer must pay a supplement for each additional passenger. This supplement can be paid on the website or directly at the car park.

ARTICLE 9 - Responsibilities and obligations of the Customer

9.1 The Customer agrees that one of the Company's employees may collect and keep the keys to his/her vehicle for the duration of his/her stay in the car park.

9.2 The Company will only take charge of the vehicle keys or card. The Client may not hold the Company liable in the event of the loss or damage of key fobs or items other than vehicle keys.

9.2 It is the Customer's responsibility to ensure that their vehicle is in proper working order when it is delivered to the car park. To this end, the Customer undertakes to have an up-to-date technical inspection. Any internal malfunction of the vehicle remains the Customer's responsibility.

9.3 The Client is solely responsible for his/her keys or vehicle card. The Client undertakes to inform the Company in the event of their failure or damage.

9.3 Breakdowns of any kind requiring work to be carried out on the vehicle parked in our car park will be at the Customer's expense.

9.4 In the event that the vehicle is immobilised and cannot be moved by the Customer, the latter must organise its recovery as quickly as possible.

9.5 In the event of suspected discharge of the vehicle's battery, the Client authorises the Company to start the vehicle using jumper cables or a battery booster.

9.6 The Customer declares that it has taken out insurance covering the consequences of its civil liability with a solvent insurance company. Likewise, it must take out the following damage cover: theft(s), fire(s), storm-hail-snow, electrical damage(s), flood(s), attack(s), glass breakage, natural and technological disaster(s), vandalism, all insurance required by law.

9.7 The client must be the owner of the goods or hold a title justifying his/her possession of the goods left with The Company.

9.8 The Client undertakes to notify The Company by telephone or e-mail if they are 1 hour or more late with their arrival time. If they fail to do so, their booking will be cancelled and they may be charged for reactivating their booking.

9.9 The Customer is solely responsible for his/her luggage. The Company's staff may be required to help the Customer carry his/her luggage (suitcases, bags, etc.) as a service and may not be held liable in the event of damage to the luggage or its contents.

9.10 In the event that the Client does not comply with the instructions communicated by the Company, the Client may not hold the Company liable in the event of prolonged waiting.

9.11 A return transfer is included in the booking. In the event that the Customer requires an additional journey, irrespective of the service provider, a supplement will be charged for each additional shuttle.

9.12 The Client accepts that the charge levied by the Company is a simple parking fee and does not in any way constitute a right of custody or surveillance.

ARTICLE 10 - Death of the customer or end-of-life vehicle

10.1 In the event that the Company is informed of the Client's death, the Company will send a registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt to the last known address of the deceased, in order to inform any possible beneficiary of the vehicle present in the Company's car park.
In the absence of a response as to whether the contract should be continued within ninety (90) days of this notification, the contract will be terminated ipso jure. Any beneficiaries will have a further fifteen (15) days to recover the said vehicle. Once this period has elapsed, the vehicle will be deemed to have been abandoned by the Client and the Company will be able to dispose of it freely, under the conditions determined by law and in particular by the provisions of article 2276 of the Civil Code. The vehicle may be impounded, disposed of and possibly delivered for destruction in accordance with the provisions of articles L325-12 and R325-12 of the French Highway Code.

10.2 End-of-life vehicles, wrecks and, more generally, vehicles deprived of the components essential to their normal use, may be handed over by the Company to an approved end-of-life vehicle centre in accordance with the provisions of article L541-21-4 of the French Environment Code.

ARTICLE 11 - Data protection

11.1 Pursuant to the French Data Protection Act 78-17 of 6 January 1978, the Customer is reminded that the personal data requested from him/her is necessary for the processing of his/her order and the preparation of invoices. This data may be communicated to any of the Service Provider's partners responsible for the execution, processing, management and payment of orders.

11.2 The processing of information communicated via the website has been declared to the CNIL, number 2117434 v 0.

11.3 In accordance with current national and European regulations, the Customer has the right to access, rectify, delete and object on legitimate grounds to all data concerning him/her. This right may be exercised in accordance with the procedures described in the "legal information" section of the website.

11.4 The Client is informed that The Company may communicate its data to its partners in order to better meet its needs. The partner may contact the Customer to present new services. If the Customer refuses to be contacted for canvassing purposes, his/her refusal may be respected in accordance with the procedures described in the "legal information" section of the website.

11.5 The Company has placed its premises under video surveillance in order to ensure the safety of its staff, property and Customers. The legal basis for the processing is legitimate interest, article 6.1.f of the European Data Protection Regulation. Staff and Customers are filmed by the system.
The images may be viewed by authorised staff of the Company and by the police. Staff from the company responsible for maintaining the equipment may also access the images for this purpose only.
The images are kept for one (1) month. In the event of an incident relating to the security of people and property, the video surveillance images may be removed from the system. They are kept on another medium for the time needed to settle the procedures linked to this incident and are only accessible to people authorised to do so.

ARTICLE 12 - Intellectual property

The content of the website is the property of the Seller and its partners and is protected by French and international intellectual property laws.

Any total or partial reproduction of this content is strictly prohibited and may constitute an infringement of copyright.

ARTICLE 13 - Applicable law - Language

13.1 These General Terms and Conditions and any transactions arising from them are governed by and subject to French law.

13.2 These GTC are written in French. In the event that they are translated into one or more foreign languages, only the French text will be deemed authentic in the event of a dispute.

ARTICLE 14 - Disputes

14.1 If you have a complaint, please contact Customer Services at the postal address given at the beginning of these T&Cs or by e-mail at

14.2 The Customer is hereby informed that he/she may, in any event, have recourse to conventional mediation, with the tourism and travel sector mediation body ( in the event of a dispute.

All disputes arising from the purchase and sale transactions concluded in application of these GTCS and which have not been settled amicably between the seller or by mediation, will be submitted to the competent courts under the conditions of common law.

These documents have been drafted by a specialist lawyer and are protected by copyright. Please do not copy them under penalty of prosecution for copyright infringement.

These documents have been drafted by a specialist lawyer and are protected by copyright. Please do not copy them or you will be prosecuted for copyright infringement.